An interview with Richard Tooro. Richard explains programs being supported through Kabarole Tours and Safaris. From forest regeneration to the provision of books encouraging young children to read, Richard is developing strong community foundations through eco-tourism.
Conservation Project
In the year 2002 the founder of Kabarole Tours Richard Tooro passed by the Kihingami Wetlands, when he saw workers cutting down the forest and monkeys fleeing the scene. He could not continue his trip. By contacting the local press he could stop the deforestation and establish the local NGO “Kihingami Wetland Eco-Toursim Association”, which goal is the protection and conservation of the Wetlands.
Kihingami Vocational Eco- Tourism Training Institute (KVETTI)
The KVETTI institute was founded with the primary goals of sustaining the Wetland neighbouring the national park and training of tour guides. Since 2002 KVETTI educated nearly 400 students in aspects of sustainability and ecotourism and took a big part in community development in Fort Portal and surroundings.
Volunteering Program
Since 2012 we are participating in a German volunteering iniative called "weltwärts", which translates roughly to "going in the direction of the world". This included a cooperation with the German NGO Welthungerhilfe. This cooperative promises to successfully continue bringing different cultures together.